Friday, June 21, 2013


Oh WOW! Long time no writing. Please forgive......I have, however been very busy. This painting is called....."From Generation To Generation". For some reason it reminds me of a wise, mature woman sharing some great adivice and if this young girlie-girl will heed to her words she will save herself a great deal of pain. 

Here is another project I've been working on. Isn't it pretty? Such a sweet little side table. I saw this sitting in someones yard.UGH! It makes me sick to see something so precious out in the rain. There is much potential that is wasted. So...I stopped and asked the owners of the yard, "Hey, you gonna leave that table out here to be ruined?" And you know what they said? "Yep, unless you want it!" I grabbed this baby up, and went to town. So proud!   

A client of mine,always searches out the good things and when she  finds something I might can revamp she is so awesome to bring it to me. Thanks Marion. Anyhoo, she brought these Celtic Crosses about a year ago and they sat around doing noghing until one day it hit me. COLOR! GLITTER!YAY!!! They really turned out nice. 

I hope you have enjoyed this post and once again I'm sorry I've been away so long. Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to seeing you again. Leave a comment if ya don't mind cuz it makes my day to hear from you. Okay now, get creative, then share it, and then repeat!