My goodness I'm not having a very good day with this blog stuff. I guess you could say I am having Blog issues. Alright! Enough of my blah blah! Here are a few of the spring items I've made. In February and March I was able to take them to a couple of shows and sold most of them. Now they are in someone Else's hands that are enjoying their sweetness. The Tin Can Flowers (above) are soo... easy. Just get a good friend to save all of her 10 gallon cans then take a pair of good tin snips with some heavy duty gloves and snip snip snip! Wa-La, Garden Glory! I made twenty-One of these beauties and they were the first things to sell from my booth. Everyone wanted a flower for their Florida yard. Soon as it gets hot they will be glad they have them. The heat won't kill'em.

Now to my left again is the actual booth photo. Pretty cool huh? I thought so. Such an interesting set-up.
The photo beneath is what Mystele from Little Glimpses Studio teaches. It's called Gut Art. Haven't done many of these but what I have completed, well what can I say, they sell very fast. YAY! Should do more. Roll on over to her website and check it out. It's an awesome way to paint expressively. Big and loose, or small and tight whatever suits your fancy.
My heart at the moment wants to get into Studio B and go to town on a canvas but my flesh just wants to hang out by the computer. Maybe tomorrow.Well I told you I would get you a photo of hose Fat Frilly Fish and I promise I am going to do that. Just as soon as this old flesh gets up and snaps the picture. You will love them too. Happy Evening to all of you. Until when, debbie
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