Today has been "excellent"! I've been painting since 9:00 a.m. and it's 4:30 p.m. Not often do I have the opportunity to hang out in Studio -B without stopping to do errands or something else. Do you remember the Mermaid I was telling you about? Well she sort of 'bit the dust'. Since we've discussed her existence I've had to do away with her. For some reason she just wouldn't cooperate.
When this happens I paint houses. That's right when all else fails paint a house. I'll post a photo soon.
Oh Yea! I also went to the gym. First time in many years. It made me feel good to see that I could still walk the treadmill and ride the bike. I'm going again tomorrow. Can't believe I enjoyed it so much. Now if only I could get my eating habits to come into agreement with my exercise.
I don't want to leave all of you without a photo of the happenings but here's one of some necklace hangers I made for the craft show in March. Hopefully they will show up good on this post. Have a good evening and I'll see you again soon.
This Friday we are having a kick off campaign to build our women's ministries. Our goal is to reach 50 ladies before December. Keep us in your prayers as we step into this venture. I'm excited to see how many we reach for the month of April If you are in the area come on out and join us.
I'll be ministering on "Maturing in Christ". I've titled my sermon..... Babes In Joyland.. .... I like that. See ya!
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