Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Art-Full Days

Today has been "excellent"! I've been painting since 9:00 a.m. and it's 4:30 p.m. Not often do I have the opportunity to hang out in  Studio -B without stopping to do errands or something else. Do you remember the Mermaid I was telling you about? Well she sort of 'bit the dust'. Since we've discussed her existence I've had to do away with her. For some reason she just wouldn't cooperate.
When this happens I paint houses. That's right when all else fails paint a house. I'll post a photo soon.

Oh Yea! I also went to the gym. First time in many years. It made me feel good to see that I could still walk the treadmill and ride the bike. I'm going again tomorrow. Can't believe I enjoyed it so much. Now if only I could get my eating habits to come into agreement with my exercise.

I don't want to leave all of you without a photo of the happenings but here's one of some necklace hangers I made for the craft show in March. Hopefully they will show up good on this post. Have a good evening and I'll see you again soon.

This Friday we are having a kick off campaign to build our women's ministries. Our goal is to reach 50 ladies before December. Keep us in your prayers as we step into this venture. I'm excited to see how many we reach for the month of April  If you are in the area come on out and join us.
 I'll be ministering on "Maturing in Christ". I've titled my sermon..... Babes In Joyland.. .... I like that. See ya! 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Frilly Fish

Hell-o Everybody, hope your day has been good. I did a few heads this morning which always leaves me feeling G_R_E_A_T! I love my clients, they are so much fun. Then I took some photos to show ya'll today in my blog post. Let's start with those Frilly Little Fish I've been promising. See, I'm good to my word. The lighting is not really good but I'm working on that too. 

Below is Studio "A" I know it looks messy but that is A.O.K. Messy from my standpoint means $$$$$$$$.

Same  goes for Studio 'B". Just look at that mess on that table Don't you just love it? That's also my next project I want to complete. My goal is to have a cool, artsie,tropical bathroom. This little mermaid is sort of going down hill fast. I worked on her this afternoon and she began to look like an Indian Chief with a skirt on. (hehehehe) No, seriously she did. I gessoed her face out and I'm going to start all over. I've got have a "Happy Mermaid" .Must have "Happy"!  

Now I know ya'll really aren't interested in all this gook but FIY this is what I use to make merry little Mermaids, and Frillly Fish. This is enough paint that is sufficient for the day there-of. Sounds like scripture doesn't it?  If you notice I use a lot of the 'Basic acrylic paints and small craft paints. That's because I love to use a lot of paint and I just can't bring myself to pay the higher prices. Maybe one day I'll break down and trust me when I do YOU WILL  BE THE FIRST TO KNOW!

Jerry is waiting out in the living room for me. We are going out to dinner tonight with friends. I know parting is such sweet sorrow but I'm having so much fun sharing my stuff with all of you that I can't wait to blog again. I'll be back as soon as I finish that Merry little Mermaid. Toodle-loo!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

More Of My Stuff

Thise are the beautiful flowers Jerry planted for me last year. They were so beautiful. I guess we'll go today and get some more. The winter was rough on them Can't wait. Little Orange Marygolds are my favorite with some pretty Impatience running along the driveway. Last year Jerry planted Ocra and man did they every grow. We're still eating Pea's and Fried Okra. You guessed it, that's  Good Sothern Cookin!   

Studio A & B from the drive way entrance
Just wanted to share with you a few of my favaorite things. Actually thre is not enough room for ALL of them but for starters here they are. To begin with, the yellow building is where I do my creating. It is so peaceful out there. It is, however, in the south forty of our back yard and when I go there it's like leaving home. Sometimes I stay there for hours and hours, then other times, it can get sort of lonely. Either way, I just keep on keeping on. 

Birds -n- Butterflies
This is one of my first paintings. I've only been at this painting thing for about a year. My mother is my director and she is awesome. She teaches a class every Wednesday morning over at Church In The House. The church my husband Jerry and I Pastor. Yep, that's right, when I said we were DIY'ers I really meant it. We do it all. So, anyway, the paint class is just right for ignihting my creative juices andgetting them to flow freely. I LEARN how to do it right then I come back to the studio and BAM! I've done it all wrong. Well, not always , I just EXPRESS! Amen?   

Let me introduce you to this fabulous quilt wall hanging. I wasn't supposed to get this big but somehow it did and can fit a twinsize bed. I have it hanging in my living room. It is a story quilt that exemplifys who I am. Always busy, teaching, preaching, crafting, artsing, running, doing doing doing doing............ and on and on and on! I have so many hats, but there is just one head to put them on.. I must say at this time however, I praise God for blessing me with an abundance of talent and abilities. I receive His promise that I will never be in want for He has provided me the means to have. Hallelujah!

Okay, enough preaching for the moment. Eventually we'll get to know each other better but I believe you are beginning to see what your in for. FUN<<<<<<FUN>>>>>>FUN>>>>FUN>>>>>>FUN>>>>FUN!!!!!!!!!!    

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


 My goodness I'm not having a very good day with this blog stuff. I guess you could say I am having Blog issues. Alright! Enough of my blah blah! Here are a few of the spring items I've made. In February and March I was able to take them to a couple of shows and sold most of them. Now they are in someone Else's hands that are enjoying their sweetness. The Tin Can Flowers (above) are soo... easy. Just get a good friend to save all of her 10 gallon cans then take a pair of good tin snips with some heavy duty gloves and snip snip snip! Wa-La, Garden Glory! I made twenty-One of these beauties and they were the first things to sell from my booth. Everyone wanted a flower for their Florida yard. Soon as it gets hot they will be glad they have them. The heat won't kill'em.
Now to my left again is the actual booth photo. Pretty cool huh? I thought so. Such an interesting set-up.
The photo beneath is what Mystele from Little Glimpses Studio teaches. It's called Gut Art. Haven't done many of these but what I have completed, well what can I say, they sell very fast. YAY! Should do more. Roll on over to her website and check it out. It's an awesome way to paint expressively. Big and loose, or small and tight whatever suits your fancy.

My heart at the moment wants to get into Studio B and go to town on a canvas but my flesh just wants to hang out by the computer. Maybe tomorrow.Well I told you I would get you a photo of hose Fat Frilly Fish and I promise I am going to do that. Just as soon as this old flesh gets up and snaps the picture. You will love them too. Happy Evening to all of you. Until when, debbie

Monday, April 16, 2012

My Family

Alright friends, I think enough time has passed and I should introduce myself a little further. First of all I have a very special person who not only inspires me to make and create He also "celebrates" my work. His name is Jody and he is my awesome son. His wife Christa is equally as awesome. I love and am very proud of both of them. Oh don't get all crazy, this really is not "Arizona" it's the two of them getting ready for a Halloween party. Aren't they adorable? That must be my grandchild they're cradeling in their arms. Ain't that a hoot?

I couldn't resist adding this photo of the "bro". Isn't he handsome? He's happy too, this is during his wedding reception. A real NewYork Wedding with an Italian twist. Wonderful! I hope the next photo will fit here. Let's try. This is the lovely couple and of course me and , now introducing my hubby Jerry. 

 Well folks I can't leave t his post without introducing my next partner in hum...well let's just say she never leaves my side. She is with me while I make and create. Her name is Sugar Pie which may be referred to later in my blog post as S.P. I know you'll love her. She, like Jerry, Jody and Christa, is awesome. My family is the "BEST"!  

So I hope all of you are having a great Monday. Get our your crayons, pastels,acrylics or whatever you use to make stuff and do something creative. See ya! Oops! Here's one more photo of my crafty creative children. (It won't be the last)

Saturday, April 14, 2012


 Good Morning and Happy Saturday! I just thought I would do some catching up and let you see some of what's been going on in Studio "B". 
   This one (on the left )is called Tin Can Flowers. I call them this because once upon a time my Son Jody created an entire garden with flowers cut from Tin Cans. Now every time I see a flower that is not real that's what I call them. 
 This little cutie is known as the "Halloween Queen". She is made from paper clay and cloth. Check out Jane Derosier's site, Clay Over Cloth Dolls and see what cha come up with. You'll love her and her classes. 
The Halloween Queen actually won a  Blue Ribbon at the Interstate Fair. Yippee!!!!!!
       I just love her. She sits so sweet in Studio A and all the customers comment to her every time they come to get their hair styled.  

This fabulous painting to your left is an incredible story. Need I say more. Oh, did you say this looks amateurish? Well, don't feel bad cuz.... it is. I love amateur work . I love primary art and anything that has a "rough edge to it. Believe it or not this is the first painting I've ever sold. It was intended to be a snow village with a snowman and kids playing. hum.... something went weird somewhere but I kept working and this is what popped out of the canvas. I tried to hide it but to my surprise someone saw it tucked away in the Studio B and with all their heart just had to have it. So, wa-la $$$$$.   

Her name is Amanda. She sings Southern Gospel Music. She loves the stage and she lives for every opportunity to be on it. Her red hair and humongous green eyes makes everyone want to sit and listen for hours. Since she is from the South Amanda has a southern accent and country is in her blood. Amanda is not my daughter but every aspect of her reflects who I am. My favorite compliment from her to me is"You are my mother after all".  Then we giggle out loud!


Friday, April 13, 2012



Hey everybody, my name is Gertrude and I am so glad you dropped by to see me. This is my new art blog that I am going to try and get going. Never done this before so let's work it out together.

The Crooked Little House

Playful Bunny 

I will be sharing with ya'll a lot of my art work and hopefully it will help keep me inspired as well as encourage you to keep painting, drawing, sewing, and whatever else you enjoy.

So this is where I begin my blogging journey.
Currently I am not working on any major projects only painting a few pictures to hang in my bathroom. I will post a picture of those very soon. Have a happy creative day!