I haven't been doing much painting these days. This morning I did begin a background but I'm not sure where it's going. The old creative juices just don't seem to be flowing.
Sometimes when I get this way I will do a blog roll and see what everybody else is up to but what I can gather it seems I'm not the only one searching for inspiration.
The garden is in full swing.Our Roses are beautiful this time of year. I must admit, I 'm not the green thumb around her. Jerry is what some would call "gifted" or possibly he was just born with a green thumb. We've been shelling peas and digging potatos. The squash makes delicious casseroles and man them maters are outstanding.
Maybe that's why the creative part of me seems lacking. I'm just too involved in other things at the moment.
Studio "A" has been busy. So until the muse beckons I suppose I'll just hang out with Jerry and Sugar-Pie in the pool and plan our Vacation Bible School with the staff at Church In The House .
Ya'll have a great day and I'll be back soon.
Dear High Gloss Gertrude you have created a very cheerful blog, I've read all your posts. I'm so envious of your beautiful studio, it's like a doll house. You sure do wear a lot of different hats and you ought to be congratulated. I've had a few attempts at painting a mermaid and each one has been a flop which is unsettling because I would love to be a mermaid one day. Tks for visiting my blog, your comments cheered me up heaps. Why don't you have a follower button? No matter, I've book-marked you so I can visit again. Take care