Monday, March 3, 2014

Winter Creativity

Happy March to all of you out there in blog land. I'm not even sure anyone actualy see's my blog but for the mere sake of keeping up with myself and haveing the privilege of saying to someone I know, "Hey, take a look at my blog and you can see what I"ve been doing", I continue to blah-blah-blah!

So, Let me see what's new, um, hum.... Oh I know, ...not too much. I've always heard it said this way, "No News,is Good News" so I"ll stick with that. Furthermore, in the Studio-B, there has been quite a ruckus going on out there. Take a look at all the fun things I"ve been doing. When I get going really good paint starts slinging, glue balls start dorpping, and my my my what a time I have. Check it out!

Can you believe it? THis is SUNNY FLORIDA in February 2014. This is a photo of my back yard, our barn and just one of 11 oaks on our one acre plot. This is "ice", not snow but it sure could of fooled me. I mean I'm only a Floridian ya know and snow isn't something we see too much of. However it was an awesome winter, because I LOVE COLD WEATHER! YAY!

Okay, I know, this is a little Primitive Bunny anxiously awaiting Easter. He's all dolled up with his cute little tag that says... "Got Carrots"?

Now blogbuddies, let me introduce you to my fabulous lamp revamp. This lamp was bound for the dumpster until I Deborah arose, and made a beautiful shade out of Christmas ribbon and left over fringe. Cost? $ 0.
A friend had this chair sitting on the curb waiting for trash day and of course, you guessed, I just couldn't resist the temptation. Then suddenly to my surprise the next day or two went by and this little ottoman showed up on some else's curb. Yay  for me!  

This little Mermaid don't have a name as far as I know because she was a special order for a lady I've never met before. She saw one in my little vendors booth in December and someone else bought her so this little lady wanted me to make her another one. I really like this one better than the first.
Isn't this chair the bomb? Well, thats what I call it coz it's soooo.....big and round. I paid a whoppin $20.00 bucks for it. The bomb was an ugly dirty tan with no cushions or ruffle. Until I Deborah arose! It's painted with latex paint and the ruffle and cushions were made from recycled curtains. Also the pillows were given to me from my cousins left over yard sale stuff. I'm so blessed!  

This was one of those 1980's side tables. You may not be able to tell but the bottom is wrapped in black yarn very tightly, wound over and over again. Holds magazines, books, etc. So cute!

I call this one Christa because my daughter-in-love saw this on facebook and went wild. Of course it now resides in Brooklyn, New York on her dresser full of beautiful jewels. A total remake of a little
jewelrybox that was dumpster doomed! RESTORATION!  

Another road side pick up. Just a sweet little accent piece. Painted and primed.  

Okay so I got tired of painting furniture and wanted to be a little more creative and this is what I got. I'm calling this painting "Three's Company".

Then in my mad dash to create something on canvas I did a little intuitive thing. Put some stuff on a canvas, papers, polka-dots, ink- swirlies, stencil, then this Big Nosed Kate came out. So of course I had to paint her.  

Now this, my blog friends ,is my master piece. Momma called, she said, hey there's a chair down the road a piece and the garbage will run tomorrow. You need to come pick it up coz it looks pretty good. So, I packed up the little go-diddy and when I saw this piece I was SCARED to touch it. It was so ugh! But I have eyes to see far beyond what most people see and instantly I knew this ugly old beat up piece of UGLY could be my very own Alice In Wonderland Chair! What did it cost me? Zero Buckaroos! I told ya'll... I AM BLESSED AND HIGHLY FAVORED OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST! ( Oh by the way, you are too, just receive Him and His goodness towards you)

Whew! When I said not much was happening I guess I haven't come out of the Studio to see what was going on. But surely there has been plenty to do. I still want to add some words to this and I think I'm gonna let it say......Home Sweet Home!  Why? hum... I don't know, just looks like all the little creatures have made a home out of the old oak tree.
See ya'll again soon. Be creative, make something and share it.