Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Aprons Made To Sell

Well today and yesterday I have been super productive. Yep thats me! Pro-Duc-tiv-ity! Been wanting to use some scraps out of my stash for well, years now and just couldn't bear to part with them but not anymore. Making room for more scrappy goodness. These little aprons will  be going to market with me tomorrow with great hopes they will sell quickly ....... so I can make more. more more! Take a peek cuzI'm not expecting them to be around too long. So, have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone and be sure, November is not the only time to give Thanks but every day is Thanksgiving. God is Good to Us, His Mercy Endures Forever! Amen! 
Okay, It's Time for the Apron Peep Show! Enjoy!

This one is really NOT Stained but it's wet. Snapped the photo after I sprayed with water to iron it. Oops!
Down below is a photo of a few little beanies I've made from left over Christmas Giftings that I made for all of my family. I mean EVERYONE had pink polka dot beannies. This was several years ago so I would saya this is the gift that keeps on giving. 

Come back really soon because I plan to have more stuff for you to eyeball and just maybe it will inspire you to get creative. Make something- share it with someone, then go do it again. Oh, you say you just aren't crafty? Well, I believe deep down inside of you there is a glue gun King or Queen just waiting to escape. Go ahead, pick up that Glue Gun, and make your day! See ya!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Booth Projects in Studio -B

Been so busy in the Studio. These are the latest projects completed wih the exception of twenty ornaments, three end tables, two cabinets, and adorable glitter reindeer.  Check out the newbies in Booth #11.
Pretty Big Elephant - Pink Too!

Wish I had turned this photo upright before posting but....oops! sorry. Anyway this was a redo. Paid $5.00 for it. Painted and made cushions. Sold quickly! YAY!
Love this cart. Another dumpster dive. It's in the booth waiting for the exact person who will love it too.
Thanks for dropping by. Hope you've been inspired to breathe life into something that's been disgrded or just needs a little TLC.  Be bck soon!