More Fuel for the Creative Flame
Man, I'm on fire. I read art books,watch video tutes, constantly thinking of ...what can I make next'? And art supplies? Oh don't even go there! A time in my life I would spend all my extra cash on clothes and shoes. Not anymore. Give me paint... ink....canvas...glue sticks....mod podge....and give it to me NOW! I'm a creative junkie I just know I am! BUT... that's perfectly OKAY! Being creative is a gift that God has given ALL of us. Only some, choose not to tap into it. I, for one, haven't tapped, I'm diving in, head first. YAY! And I'm so glad to have a bunch of blog buddies who stop by and visit. Cuz, without a understand me. ( smiley face)
Creativity in action is constructive energy released into the atmosphere. Thats it! Think of it this way.....BE CONSTRUCTIVE...NOT DISTRUCTIVE! Humph! I think I'm a poet now! Alright enough is enough! BLAH..BLAH...BLAH! Well that's what this is for right?
So here we go!
Tons of fun in my sewing room over the past few days just trying to use up some of my scraps. Stuffies, pillows and more! I can't stop myself ! YIPPEE~!!!!
I think I'll name this one
"Sista Polkie-Dot'
Another revamp from Studio -B. Not sure of the color on this one so I'm contemplating a! (lol)
Here is a short list things I'm wanting to check out!
1. Mono Printing
2. Sludge ( gesso and extender)
3. Model Majic
4. Rigid Wrap
Also...a great inspirational blog to visit is "Sue Pellitier". This artist is awesome. I love the freedom she expresses in her art. She is also on the cover of Cloth Paper Scissors a lot. And this is a magazine that I love -love- love. OH! and she is also in Somerset Studio! YAY! No wonder she's so awesome. If your looking for some Go-juice, check it out I know you won't be dissapointed.
I hope all of you are having an art-filled day. AND.....I really hope High Gloss Gertrude is adding a little fuel to your creative flame.