Handmade Market Day
This is my favorite time of year and October is my favorite month. Here is the Sunshine state we experience some lo temps last week but today it was back in the mid 80's and very sunny. Of course it would be since I don't have a tent and I did an art show . I have more of a tan today than I've had all summer.
It was a good show. Met lots of new contacts, found out about some great venues in the area and actually sold "a" painting. One is better than none. I'm really greatful that I am still encouraged. Sometimes sellin in the handmade market can be quite daunting. Up one day and down the next. My salvation is not over pricing my work just so tht it moves. There are some pieces that I m wiling to haggle with but I always have those that mean as much to me that i don't want to part with. Unless of course the price is speaking my language.
Here is a photo or two of todays show. I really like my little portable gallery. It's heavy and bulky but when you are close to the beach the wind gets high this bad boy never budged!
This was a new experience for our area. It is a prime location but today was the first time it's ever been done. It will be open every month. I think it's every third Saturday and Sunday. I am very thankfull to have this opportunity for here in my town it doesn't happen often. So.....let's take a peak at what's happening inside Studio B.
This is a happy mess. When I get into painting I sling it, throw it, and when I'm finished I look like I've bathed in it. Yippee!!!

To the right is my Halloween wreath I've made from a "pool noodle". You know those things the k ids play with in the pool? The paper mache witch and moon have been hanging around since last year and this is where they've ende up. Cool huh? I think they like it there.
I hope all of you are having a blessed day today and will continue to join me in the Studio as I embark on the nw frontier of Handmade Happiness. See ya soon. Oh yea, leave a comment. It makes my day to know you've dropped in. Toodles!